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Committee experience

Young Alumni Council Ambassador

Serve as an ambassador to the Young Alumni constituency in person, virtually, or over the phone
Represent the young alumni constituency to the Office of Alumni Relations, Lehigh Advancement, and the LUAA Board of Directors
Attend, in their entirety, two annual YAC meetings on campus (January/May)
Attend the annual Volunteer Leadership Forum (August)
Inform others about Lehigh’s events, services, and programs; be alert to alumni concerns that can be addressed by Lehigh Alumni Relations’ mission, objectives, and programs

Outreach Volunteer

Serve as an ambassador by providing leadership and promoting class unity, consult with classmates to generate ideas for events and communication strategies, and provide feedback to Alumni Relations staff.

Class Leadership

The class officers, committee members, and outreach volunteers work in tandem with Lehigh Alumni Relations staff to support their classmates’ engagement both during the 18-month build-up to milestone reunions and the five-year cycle between milestones.

Class Correspondent

Write a column (maximum 600-words) for the Alumni Bulletin three times a year.
 Serve as a central collection source for news about your classmates year-round.
 Lead by example by attending Lehigh University events with friends.
 Lead by example by contributing annually to the Lehigh Fund and encouraging others to do the same.
 Recruit peers to maximize participation in Lehigh and class-sponsored events.
 Recruit peers to volunteer with Lehigh and make contributions to the work of the class and university.

Alumni Affinity volunteer

Each volunteer is responsible for establishing and implementing short and long-term goals.
1. Participate in at least 75% of monthly meetings
2. Plan one event annually
3. Support other volunteers by attending at least one event annually, that was planned by another volunteer
4. Communicate with your Alumni Association liaison throughout the planning and implementation of both events and communications
5. Lead by example by attending Lehigh University events and contributing annually as you are able to the Lehigh Fund

Regional Club Volunteer

Each volunteer is responsible for establishing and implementing short and long-term goals.
1. Participate in at least 75% of monthly meetings
2. Plan one event annually
3. Support other volunteers by attending at least one event annually, that was planned by another volunteer
4. Communicate with your Alumni Association liaison throughout the planning and implementation of both events and communications
5. Lead by example by attending Lehigh University events and contributing to the Lehigh Fund annually as you are able

LUAA Board of Directors member

The Lehigh University Alumni Association (LUAA) Board of Directors assists the Alumni Association staff in strategic planning to ensure that the activities and programs of LUAA are implemented in a manner consistent with the mission of the LUAA.

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